Thrips, tiny insects belonging to the order Thysanoptera, pose a constant challenge to farmers and plant enthusiasts around the world. Understanding their life cycle, the damage they can cause and the measures to control them is essential to maintaining the health of our plants.

# # # Thrips life cycle # # #
LThrips go through different stages in their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa and adult. These tiny insects, usually a few millimeters long, reproduce quickly, causing a rapid increase in plant damage and potentially complicating control.

a, egg; b, 1st instar larva; c, 2nd instar larva; d, propupa; e, pupa; f, adult. The propupa and pupa are usually found in the soil, unlike other phases found on plant material.
# # # What damage do thrips cause? # # #
Despite their small size, the presence of thrips in our plants should not be underestimated; thrips can cause considerable damage to plants in a relatively short time.
What is this damage due to? The damage occurs when thrips break down plant cells to feed on the sap in their tissues, leaving behind silver or tan spots, called "silver spots," that we see with the naked eye.
Additionally, the droppings produced by thrips are a type of dark honeydew that attracts other pathogens, such as the appearance of "sooty mold," a complex of different fungi that appears as a black scab on the leaves and the fruits.
Thrips damage is not, in itself, fatal to plants in most cases, with a few exceptions such as thrips and Aloe arborescens or bean plants.
However, the damage they cause affects the aesthetic appearance of the plants since they cause discoloration of the leaves, they also reduce the plant's ability to carry out photosynthesis, which leads to a slowdown in growth and a reduction or even an absence of flowering.
And in the case of fruit, thrips activity can cause fruit deformation and reduce the quality of the final product. And it should be remembered that thrips can transmit deadly viruses to plants, which can further compromise the health of the plant, affect its performance and even kill it.
For all this, it is crucial to act as soon as possible when faced with signs of presence to avoid additional damage.
# # # Common thrips hosts # # #
Thrips are not very specific pathogens, so they do not discriminate between host types and attack a wide variety of plants, from agricultural crops like citrus, strawberries, blueberries or tomatoes to ornamental plants such as rose bushes or geraniums.
Some species of thrips are specific to certain types of plants, while others can adapt to a wide range of hosts.

a, rose leaf damage; b, damage to oranges; c, damage to Aleo arborescens
# # # How to control thrips # # #
Prevention is essential and cultural practices play a crucial role in controlling thrips. Maintaining a clean environment around plants, removing weeds and avoiding excess humidity can reduce conditions favorable for thrips to flourish.
But if they have already established themselves in our plants, to effectively combat thrips, many farmers resort to professional treatments. Specific insecticides against thrips which, applied with care and following the manufacturer's recommendations, constitute a good tool to combat thrips.
Biological control is a great ally which has shown very good results in controlling thrips populations using natural enemies such as predatory mites (A. barkeri, A. cucumeris, A. degenerans, A. Swirskii, Euseius stipulatus, Hipoapis miles and others), other species of predatory thrips (Aelothrips intermedius) and bedbugs (Orius sp).
And of course the use of sticky traps, which are strips that attract thrips through their color and the use of pheromones, trapping them in the glue they carry.
# # # Home treatments to combat thrips# # #
For those who prefer more natural approaches, there are home treatments to combat thrips. A very good option is to spray plants with solutions of water and potassium soap, which helps reduce thrips populations. A good ally is neem oil, a natural extract of the neem plant, which has effective insecticidal properties against thrips.
Homemade recipe to eliminate thrips: |
✅ A water sprayer ✅ One liter of water ✅ 5 mL or a teaspoon of potassium soap ✅ 5 ml or a teaspoon of neem oil |
The treatment is applied by spraying all the leaves on both sides (upper and lower side) and repeats the treatment every 4 to 5 days until the thrips are eliminated. Keep in mind that its effect is not immediate, you will have to wait several applications until you see the effect. When the plants are clean, spraying can be repeated every 20 days as a preventative measure.
Important: It must be applied at the beginning of the day or at the end of the afternoon, when the intensity of the sun has diminished. Otherwise, as it contains oil, the plant could burn.
Recommendations for controlling thrips ✅Use of insecticides specific to travel and natural enemies such as predatory mites. ✅Maintaining a clean environment around plants. ✅Regular elimination of weeds. ✅Avoid excess moisture in the soil. ✅Spraying water, soap and neem oil solutions on plants. |
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